THE RUSSIAN MINISTRY OF FINANCES EAST IN CONSULTATION ON THE REORGANIZATION OF THE DEBT OF THE EX-URSS MOSCOW, March 5. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. the Russian ministry of Finances has procede has consultations prealables on the reorganization of the debt of the ex-URSS towards the Club of Paris, according to the vice-minister for Finances who supervises the problems of the debts exterieures, Serguei Kolotoukhine. It does not have exposes the starting positions of the Russian part, while limiting itself has to say that they tend has to reduce the volume of the debt and the coOet of its service. In same time, he said that " what we request from the Club of Paris in connection with the payments which arrive has the expiry into 2002 and 2003, the creanciers know it well ". So that the creanciers can formulate their position prealable towards the sovietic debt, is needed that Russia and the Funds monetary international (the IMF) agrees on their program of co-operation, has rappele Serguei Kolotoukhine. To continue work on this program, a forthcoming team of the IMF can come has Moscow in April. At present Russia integralement carries out the payments due to the Club of Paris, A declares the vice-minister. But the execution of these payments depend of the budget revenue, has it adds. " We pay when we have necessary money ". " It is not easy to discharge these payments ", has it precise.