THE SOEC CONDEMNS VIOLENCE A BORDER SEPARANT THE MACEDOINE OF THE KOSOVO VIENNA, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Borislav Petchnikov). The mission of the Organization for the security and the co-operation in Europe (SOEC) has Skopje A condemns the acts of violence perpetres has the border between Mecedoine and the Yugoslav province of Kosovo. In a declaration diffusee has Vienna by the secretariat of the SOEC, the mission asks the international community has to take measurements more resolues in order to make respect the principles of the stability and the territorial integrite of Macedoine. In same time, the mission of the SOEC has Skopje draws the attention to the fact that the autorites policieres and soldiers of Macedoine show reserve vis-a-vis to the permanent provocations. According to the direction of the mission, all the measurements taken against the agitators must be adequate and, as far as possible, concertees with the representants of the Force of international peace in Kosovo (KFOR). For more than two weeks, the Albanian terrorists have held the septentrional sector of the border separant Macedoine of Kosovo. Sunday, three soldiers macedoniens have ete kill not far from the borough of Tanusevica which they occupy. In the afternoon of the same day, the forces macedoniennes of security have firm the border with Kosovo.