THE VICE-PRESIDENT OF ASSOCIATION " JAPON-RUSSIE " DECORE ABOUT THE RUSSIAN FRIENDSHIP TOKYO, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Viatcheslav Bantine). Toshihara Okada, public personality Japanese in sight, vice-president of Association " Japan-Russia " has ete decore about the Russian friendship. This high distinction of the Federation of Russia has ete given has Toshihara Okada by the Russian ambassador in Japan Alexandre Panov. " Of the men as Toshihara Okada have we requirement especially in this moment or the Russo-Japanese ratios approach a qualitatively new stage of the development ", A underlines the Russian diplomat while giving this distinction. Toshihara Okada A underlines its share that the reinforcement and the development of the nippo-Russian ratios were in conformity with the interests of the two States and made a great contribution to the reinforcement of stability and has prosperity in this area. It is in November 2000 that Russian president Vladimir Poutine had sign the bearing decree on the decoration of Toshihara Okada about the Russian friendship for a great contribution to the development of the relationship between Russia and Japan.