SECRET SERVICE AMERICAINS CONFIRMS THE EXISTENCE OF A TUNNEL UNDER THE EMBASSY OF RUSSIA WASHINGTON, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Nikolai Vlassov). Collaborators, in function and has the retirement, of the secret service of the United States have confirms during a Sunday emission of the chains of television CNN, the existence of a tunnel which had ete hollow under the Russian diplomatic representation has Washington has ends of listening. It had ete built has the time of the Sovietique Union with an aim of intercepting information secretes. Sources within against-espionage americain have advertisement that the tunnel hollow under the embassy had ete truffle of instruments and of apparatuses use in electronic espionage. The existence of this tunnel has practically ete revelee week derniere. Indeed, the enqueteurs working on the business of the agent of the FBI (Federal Office of Investigation) Robert Hanssen, arrete for espionage with the profit of Moscow, supposed that it had been able to provide corresponding information. In the documents provided to the court by the FBI it east indicates that in its Hanssen activity had " torpedo in particular a whole technical program of a value, of a coOet and of an importance considerable for the government of the United States ". For the moment, Moscow does not have reagi yet officially has this information published in the press. It is remarkable however that Washington, which lately shows cynically and openly Russia to deliver itself has operations of espionage has the regard of the United States, did not balk has to take similar measures with respect to Russia, as attest it the facts which have just been reveles has the opinion.