THE ENTREE OF THE TUNNEL LEADING UNDER THE EMBASSY OF RUSSIA SE FOUND IN A CLOSE HOUSE WASHINGTON, February 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Arkadi Orlov). The entree of the tunnel intends has the electronic listening and which had ete transport by the secret service under the new embassy of Russia has Washington, was in a residential building locates has proximity. It is what has advertisement Monday the newspaper being referant " Washington post " has one representant of the old administration americaine which required anonymity. According to this official personality, in the month until 1995 the government of the United States " has continuous depenser considerable sums for the maintenance and the security of the tunnel ". The construction and the operation of the tunnel intend has to supervise what occurred in the embassy from Russia were not done without problems, energy of the necessite to evacuate the ground in the greatest secrecy and until A the focusing of the laser beams which " were direct upwards in the embassy by the means of the beams of soutenement ", has advertisement representant it. According to him, the water inflitrations in the tunnel constituted also a permanent gene. Referant itself has information obtained of old representants of the administration americaine and agents of the secret service americains, " Washington post " also writes which the tunnel has continuous to be uses same after the americaine part was doutee that the Russians knew about his existence. " It is an extraordinary project which has just been " revele ", said a " veteran of the administration republicaine " which required anonymity. According to him, the United States ended up admitting that the tunnel had ete decouvert after having realized that information that it had made it possible to intercept was " can ".