THE FBI HAD BORER A TUNNEL OF LISTENING UNDER RUSSIAN EMBASSY A WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Nikolai Vlassov). Representants of the secret service americains think that the agent of the FBI Robert Hanssen, arrete recently to have during 15 years spy on behalf of the USSR and of Russia, had informs Moscow of the boring of a tunnel of listening under new the siege of the embassy of Sovietique Union, then of Russia, has Washington. It is what has advertisement the chains of being referant television CNN has informees sources. According to information's which has ete confirm by official personalities americaines under reserve of anonymity, the tunnel was intends has to listen to telecommunications and the conversations which had place has the interior of the diplomatic representation implantee which occurred of Wisconsin. Its digging had starts in the Eighties and it had ete put in servise only at the middle of the Nineties. One is unaware of however how long it has ete uses and if it is it always. Taking share has an emission diffusee Sunday by chains CNN, the vice-president of the United States, Dick Cheney, east refuses has to comment on this information. " If such an operation had actually taken place, it would have me ete impossible to speak about it ", has it underlines. According to information's provided by the sources, the secret service americains also supposes that Robert Hanssen also has revele jointly has Moscow the existence of an operation menee by the CIA (Exchange Agency Intelligence) and the Agency of national security (ASN) whose objective was to place devices of listening in the sites strategic has the foreigner. It is the daily newspaper " New York times " which it first A revele Sunday the existence of the tunnel. Referant itself has anonymous sources in the mediums of the information americain, it has in particular announces that the tunnel " was uses joint by the FBI (Federal Office of Investigation) and the ASN which answers of the information radiotechnology, and constituted an element of the measurements more largely taken by the United States in order to listen and to supervise the Soviet establishments and, thereafter, Russian and their personnel working in the United States ". According to the newspaper, the construction of the tunnel has coOete " several hundreds of million dollars " and never constitutes the onereuse "operation of information " realisee by the United States. The " New York times " also has releve that work took place whereas the leaders americains showed with cynicism the Soviet autorites to place devices of listening in the new embassy of the United States has Moscow. At the time, the head of the FSB Bakatine had adopted to some extent the same attitude that Hanssen by revelant in Americains the places or of the systems of listening had ete lay out and this without having ete less world inquiete by the justice of its country.