THE DELAY OF THE FINANCING OF THE REMONTEE OF THE " KOURSK " CAN TORPEDO THIS WORK The HAGUE, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti Andrei Poskakoukhine). If the problem of the financing of work of remontee of the Russian submarine " Koursk " is not regle soon, the operation of reinflation of the submarine will not be accomplished this year, A declares has RIA " Novosti " Neerlandais Rio Praaning, director of the Funds international " Koursk ". According to him, in one year, it will be too dangerous or same impossible to go up sea-bed the submarine having has its edge of heavy armaments and two engines nuclear. Rio Praaning A expresses the hope that the decision on the financing of work of reinflation of the " Koursk " will be made soon. The General manager of Funds international A notes with satisfaction that Russian president Vladimir Poutine supported the project of remontee firmly submarine. After the talks which it had in February has Moscow, Praaning came from there has the conclusion which the government had the firm intention to assume the moitie expenses of reinflation of the " Koursk ". The Funds proposes to obtain to the second moitie necessary sum of the Western countries. The official autorites and the companies privees can be sponsors of the project. According to Praaning, the direction of the European Commission, the governments of Germany, of Sweden and some other Western countries already let know in writing or orally their will to bring their assistance has this business. Willem van Ekelen, former minister for the Defense of the Netherlands, former Secretary-general of the Union of Western Europe, copresident Funds " Koursk ", A evaluates the year derniere the coOet of this operation has approximately 70 million dollars. The Russian atomic submarine " Koursk " A sinks in aoOet 2000 at sea of Barents.