A TAPE OF TERRORISTS A ETE ARRETEE IN A LOCALITE OF DJALKA KHANKALA, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Stepanov). A tape of 13 terrorists has ete arretee Friday, has the paddle, in the localite tchetchene of Djalka. According to Alexandre Zdanovitch, representant FSB (federal Service of security), the operation took 10 minutes and the gangsters did not have time to oppose a resistance. According to information, this tape is impliquee in a whole series of crimes committed on the railroad and the road between Argoun and Goudermes. These gangsters committed their last crime three days ago, when they have attack a jeep UAZ. During this attack, an officer has ete keep silent and two soldiers have ete wound. The terrorists have already acknowledges some their crimes. They said that they had received between thousand roubles has hundred dollars of the heads of the separatists for the fougasses posees and them attacks against the cars. As it is known, the money comes from Saudi Arabia. The criminals are currently in a prison of the Russian ministry of Justice has Khankala.