THE BUDGET OF UNION RUSSIE-BIELORUSSIE FOR 2001 EAST APPROVES MOSCOW, March 2. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Pavel CHEVTSOV /. the parliamentary Parliament of the Union Russia-Bielorussie reunie has its 17th session A approves in the broad outline the budget of the Union for 2001 A the height of 2,36 billion roubles including 1,52 billion for the chapter the loads Russia and 0,82 billion for the chapter the loads Bielorussie. By cloturant the session, the president of the parliamentary Parliament, Guennadi Seleznev, has advertisement which the budget which had just been adopts was to be subjected for approval to the Council of State of the Union which reunirait on April 2, the day of the 5th anniversary of the Union. Guennadi Seleznev also has advertisement that the next time the parliamentary Parliament siegerait in a bielorusse city, in May probably. The city and the date will be annoncees later by the bielorusse part.