SHIMON FATHERS EAST RECOMMMANDE AT THE POST OF FOREIGN MINISTER OF ISRAEL TEL-CAviv, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Andrei Pravov). The Center of "Avoda " which is reuni has Such-Aviv chose the candidates of this party israelien at the posts of Ministers for the government of national unit of Ariel Sharon. According to results' of the vote has secret vote, Shimon Peres east recommends to the post of Foreign Minister, Benyamin Ben Eliezer at the post of Minister for Defense, Efraim Sne has that of Minister for Transport, Dalia Itzik at the post of Minister of Industry and of the Trade, Sholom Shimhon has that of Minister for Agriculture and Matan Vilnai, at the post of Minister for Science, the Culture and the Sport. The deputes of Knesset Raanan Kohen and Salah Tarif are recommend to the posts of ministers without portfolio. According to premieres information, Ariel Sharon is content with the results of the vote.