THE PRESIDENT OF THE UPPER HOUSE OF RUSSIAN PARLIAMENT A ACHEVE SA VISITS IN REPUBLIC TCHEQUE PRAGUE, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Viktor Proussakov). The president of the Council of the Federation (Upper House of the Russian Parliament) Iegor Stroiev has acheve Friday his visit official in Tcheque Republic. He A qualifies his meeting with tcheque president Vaclav Havel of " benevolent ". Iegor Stroiev transmitted to the tcheque leader a message of Russian president Vladimir Poutine, his wish of cooperer in the future and to organize a meeting of the heads of the two countries in tcheque republic. Vaclav Havel received with satisfaction, according to the president of the Upper House. The tcheque president east states himself interests in the friendly contacts with the Russian politicians. " the sincerite is the base of our relations ", according to Vaclav Havel.