RUSSIA ESPERE WHICH THE UKRAINE WILL REFUND INDEED SA DEBT WITH RESPECT TO RUSSIA MOSCOW, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Russia is disposee has to support the Ukraine with regard to reechelonnement of its debt with respect to the Club of Paris but provided that Kiev take measures in order to refund what it owes has Moscow. It is what the Russian Minister for Finances Alexei Koudrine has advertisement with the journalists. According to him, it is necessary first of all that the Parliament ukrainien ratifies the "option zero " agreement concerning the debt and the credits of the ex-URSS. In addition, Moscow waits of the Ukraine until it takes concrete measures and regle the " Russian gas note " which it A consumes. The Deputy Prime Minister has rappele that under the terms of the "option zero " of the agreement on the debt and the credits of the ex-URSS, which had ete concluded by the republics from the old Sovietique Union when this one was desintegree, Russia assumes the whole of the debt of the USSR and takes possession of all the credits of this derniere, including his goods has the foreigner. The majority of the countries of the ex-URSS have already ratifies this agreement, before last A to do it has ete Georgie last February. To date, the Ukraine is the only country has not to have ratifies the agreement. Alexei Koudrine A stresses that while contributing to the payment of the problem of the reorganization of the debt ukrainienne with respect to the Club of Paris, Russia owes well obviously defendre its interests.