MOSCOW IS CATEGORIQUEMENT AGAINST ANY CORRECTION OF DRAFT ABM MOSCOW, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Piotr Gontcharov). The position of Russia on Draft ABM of 1972 remains invariable: Moscow is categoriquement against its change, A declares Friday a source diplomatic high placee. According to the source, Russia does not estimate that the strategic situation in the world underwent the changes justifying the correction of Draft ABM of 1972. Source A stresses that Moscow did not share the americains points of view of on the so-called threats emanating from the missiles of certain countries which are used as justification has the creation of the national system of anti-missile defense (NMD) in the United States. Moscow is very anxious americains plans of creation of the NMD, A underlines the source. Nevertheless, Russia " does not lose the hope to find compromises ", indicates the source, by explaining why that supposes the implementation of the aiming action plan has to maintain stability strategic proposed by Russia. This position has ete confirmee in the made statement on last 13 November by Russian president Vladimir Poutine, has rappele the diplomat. According to him, in the framework of this program, Russia prevoit to maintain intact Draft ABM of 1972 and to pass, on its basis, to the actions ulterieures in order to reduce the offensive armaments strategic (START). According to the diplomat, it is in particular about " the implementation of the joint statement made by the presidents of Russia and of the United States on September 2, 1998 on the opening of the negotiations on the START-3 at once after the ratification of the START-2 by Russia ". In his declaration of November 13, the Russian president has reaffirme the will of Russia to reduce the nuclear warheads has 1 500 and at the lower level, has rappele the diplomatic source.