ACCORDING TO A RUSSIAN DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER, MOSCOW GOES COOPERER WITH SEOUL IN THE FIELD OF THE ARMEES OF THE AIR AND GROUND MOSCOW, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Dmitri Znamenski). In the memorandum which has ete sign during the visit effectuee by president Vladimir Poutine has Seoul, one does not find the list of the Russian armaments which can be provided by Russia has the Republic of Coree. It is what A declares Friday the Deputy Prime Minister Ilia Klebanov who pointed out that the document made state only broad outline and amount of the co-operation technico-soldier. According to him, the experts of the two countries will concretiseront this theme in the two months has to come. Ilia Klebanov in addition said that this co-operation would relate to the armees air and of ground. In same time, A indicates the Deputy Prime Minister, it is not excluded either that it can also relate to the delivery of several specimens of the new Ka-50-2 helicopter from the prototype " Erdogan ". However, held has to point out once again Ilia Klebanov, anything concrete does not have ete decide during the negotiations of Seoul.