FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION OF BIRD A THE COUNTRYSIDE OF REINSTALLATION IN AREAS A CLIMATE TEMPERE OF PART OF THE INHABITANTS OF THE RUSSIAN FAR NORTH NORILSK, March 2. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Boris Ivanov /. a group of experts of the World Bank has acheve his visit four days has Norilsk, center industrial in the Far North siberien. Jointly with the administration of the city and the leaders of the local mining Company, they have brings precisions to the pilot project adopts before and concerning the financing by the BIRD of the migration of part of the population of the city towards southern areas of the administrative Territory of Krasnoiarsk and the central areas of the European Part. As A indicates has RIA " Novosti " the vice-mayor of Norilsk, Arkadi Guenkine, the beginning of the realization of the project, under the terms of which 4 000 families will have to leave Norilsk, is prevu for next October. Thus, the bank would finance has height of 38 million dollars the construction of residences in various Russian cities. It is as prevu as the Council of the bank managers makes the definitive decision concerning the granting of this sum has mid-April. In parallel, the leaders of the World Bank should decider finance two other pilot projects of reinstallation of the " inhabitants in excess " of cities such as Vorkouta (Northern of the European Part) and Magadan (sea of Okhotsk). The experts estimate that the optimal population of Norilsk must rise has 160 000 people to the maximum, that is to say of 80 000 inhabitants in less than today.