2000 PILGRIMS OF THE EX-URSS CANNOT REACH THE MECQUE Abu Dhabi, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Igor Kouznetsov). Approximately 2000 Moslem pilgrims of Russia and other old Soviet republics are in this moment in the neutral zone, has the border between Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The reason is that some of them do not have visas of entree, whereas those which have some do not leave for Mecque by solidarity. The autorites saoudiennes give them have to eat and have to drink and pretent also a medical care where necessary. These pilgrims went has Mecque in the bus or the cars, while passing by the territories azerbaidjanais, Iranian and Iraqi. It appears that they can re-enter bredouilles. Meanwhile, more than 1 800 Moslems of Russia are already have Mecque or have Medine or they make the prayers.