MOSCOW ACHEVE PREPARATION OF THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS FOR THE EXTRADITION OF MIKHAIL JIVILO MOSCOW, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The General Parquet floor of Russia intends to complete this Friday the preparation of the necessary documents for the extradition of the Russian businessman Mikhail Jivilo, arrete has Paris. They are copies of the file penal of Jivilo, an ordinance of inculpation of the businessman and of a warrant for arrest, according to the parquet floor. Mikhail Jivilo who was the subject of a mandate to bring international, has ete arrete on February 22 has Paris on request of the office of Interpol in Russia. Russian justice shows it attack has the life of the governor of the area of Kemerovo (Siberie) Aman Touleiev.