IT EAST SURROUNDS BY THREE HUNDRED FRIENDS THAT MIKHAIL GORBATCHEV CELEBRERA HIS SOIXANTE-DIXIEME ANNIVERSARY MOSCOW, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). It is in the shows of " Marriott Grand Hotel ", surrounds by three hundred friends, that Mikhail Gorbatchev, first and single president of the USSR, will celebrera Friday his soixante-dixieme anniversary. Ria " Novosti " learned with the service from press from the Gorbatchev Foundation that invitations has the reception had ete envoyees mainly has " friendly close relations ". Gorbatchev was always and everywhere accompanies by his wife, Raissa Maximovna. But it is the second time that Mikhail Sergueievitch celebre his day of birth without it. Raissa has leaves this world in September 1999. There is not any doubt that all those which will be presents has the ceremony will have a pensee for the faithful partner of the president of the USSR. Thursday, Mikhail Gorbatchev A animates a scientific conference on the assessment of the perestroika. Answering to the politologist Viatcheslav Nikonov who pointed out to him that " small cognac glass " would have ete rigour in this anniversary day before, it had precise that Friday there would be cognac and not only " one small glass ". The journalists presents have immediately thinks that the former secretary-general of the PCUS, initiator of sadly the celebre campaign against alcohol of the beginning of the perestroika, definitively had enterrre his master key political. The service of press has advertisement that from 12 A 16 hours Mikhail Sergueievitch will receive has the Gorbatchev Foundation, but without reveler the identite of the people who will come feliciter the recipiendaire, simply pointing out that the former vice-chancellor Hans-Dietrich Genscher was arrives from Germany for this occasion. However, of the messages of congratulations have arrived at the " father of the perestroika " for several days already. They come from Russia and abroad and are signs by statesmen, political and public personalities, men of letters, scientists, simple people and communities. With the Gorbatchev Foundation it has ete releve that Mikhail Sergueievitch was in excellent form. A few days ago, being addressed has journalists, Mikhail Gorbatchev A declares that his mission premiere has the tete social-democrate Party unifies was of " creer a strong party, popular, alive, a party of young people ". In same time, it A stresses that it did not have the intention of representer has elections, that they are legislatives or presidentielles. That it or not is wanted, this Friday, day of the soixante-dixieme anniversary of the last secretary-general of the PCUS, " forces which had directs and directs the sovietic company ", and of the first and single president of the USSR, nobody can deny that this man made time in the history of our country.