MA VISITS WITH VIETNAM A DEPASSE ALL WAITINGS, A DECLARES VLADIMIR POUTINE HANOI, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). During its derniere breve meets with the president of Vietnam Tran Du' C Lu' ong which took place Friday, Vladimir Poutine A declares before leaving Hanoi that its visit in Vietnam " A depasse all waitings ". According to the head of the Russian State, it sees in the cordial greeting " which has ete reserve everywhere to him " a manifestation of the finer feelingss of the Vietnamese people for Russia ". The Russian president said that its meetings has Hanoi were interessantes and useful. He A expresses the certainty that the significant documents signs during the visit would be put has the base of the interaction between the two countries. Trang Du' C Lu' ong A declares, for its part, that the Vietnamese people had greets the Russian host with the sincere joy. Vietnam and Russia maintain the reports/ratios " of friendship and of fraternity traditional ", has it says. Trang Du' C Lu' ong A also expresses the certainty that the Declaration on the partnership strategic signee by the leaders of the two countries, the meetings and the talks with Vladimir Poutine with the Vietnamese leaders " would contribute to the development of the bilateraux reports/ratios ".