THE OBSERVERS DO NOT EXCLUDE THE INTRODUCTION FROM TROOPS ISRAELIENNES INTO THE PALESTINIAN CITIES TEL-CAviv, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Andrei Pravov). In an interview has the radio israelienne, Shaul Mofaz, head of general staff of the armee israelienne, has again threat the Palestinians. If Autorite Palestinian main road does not take serieuses measures to put fine at terrorism, " Israel will take care itself of it ", has it says. According to Mofaz, the last events temoignent that the terrorist elements have intensifies their activity, this is why " it is appropriate to draw the conclusion from it which are essential ". Many observers have interprete these remarks of the head of general staff of the armee israelienne as an allusion has the possible introduction of troops israeliennes into certain Palestinian cities situees into the " Zone A " which is entirely under Palestinian control. This eventualite has ete seriously examinee dernierement in Israel. According to observers', the introduction of troops israelienne can start soon in response to the recent terrorist act made Thursday on the Afula-Khadera road. The explosion of a minibus made keep silent and nine wound.