VLADIMIR POUTINE: ECONOMIC SITUATION A DOES NOT EXERT ANY INFLUENCE ON THE RELATIONS BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE VIETNAM HANOI, March 2. (Envoyee special of RIA " Novosti " Marianna Chatikhina). Vladimir Poutine is very touches by the cordial greeting which have to him reserve of promoted Vietnamese educational establishments superior Soviet and Russian. At the beginning of his intervention, Russian president A stresses that " if the five meetings which you have already organisees have it ete like that one, then I regret not y having assists ". In same time the head of the State pointed out that " me also I am promoted of an educational establishment sovietic ", by repetant this Vietnamese phrose. Many promoted Soviet superieurs establishments and Russian made " brilliant careers in Vietnam, they occupy of the stations raised in the structures of the State ", said Vladimir Poutine. However, it continued, it is more significant than more than 50.000 of these promoted " contribute to the radiation of the language and of the culture Russian " in Vietnam and " like Russia as I like it me ". The meeting of today is deeply symbolic system since those which are gather in this room " have ete with the sources of the friendship Russo-Vietnamese ", said the president. Addressing to the student Vietnamese presents also and learning Russian, Vladimir Poutine A invite has " preserver what links us " has to contribute to the bringing together of our people. The president pointed out that the people Russian and Vietnamese are always dedicate a reciproque friendship, a friendship which never was subject to the influence of the political economic situation. As well as said the head of the Russian State, " the policy of renovation " appliquee in Vietnam " is a happy example of passage of the economy centralisee has the economy orientee on the market ". As before the Russian people had followed the fight menee by the Vietnamese people for his independence, today it observes the peaceful development attentively this country, pointed out Vladimir Poutine. The Russian people, have it says, east persuades that Vietnam " will accedera has prosperity " and " I would like much that we accedions there together ". In its intervention in front of promoted, Vladimir Poutine A evokes the great potential which existed in Russia and in Vietnam in the field of the commercial and economic reports/ratios. He has in particular rappele the promising prospects which were offered as regards collaboration in the sector petrogazier and of scientific and technological co-operation. With the end of the meeting, Vladimir Poutine has visit the palate presidentiel or it briefly discussed with the Vietnamese president, Tran Duc Luong. Then Russian president A gains the airport and east flies away has destination of Moscow.