THE RUSSIAN GARDES-FRONTIERES HAVE CHALLENGES MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED PEOPLE FOR PARTICIPATION A BANDAGES ARMEE TCHETCHENE STAVROPOL, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Valeri Oliantchiouk). Tchetchene trying to leave Russia has ete arrete Thursday has the Russo-azerbaidjanaise border. It has ete arrete for traces of wounds by weapon has fire which could mean that this Tchetchene young person has participle has a tape armee, learned RIA " Novosti " has the regional direction of the Service federal of the borders of Russia. Only this week, five people have ete arretees for same reasons. More than 100 people have ete arretees at the southern borders of Russia for participation has tape armee since the beginning of the operation antiterrorist in Tchetchenie. During the same period, more than 23 000 Tchetchenes crossed the Russian border without problems.