RUSSIA CARRIES OUT A NEW PAYMENT WITH THE CLUB OF PARIS MOSCOW, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The ministry for Finances of Russia has load Vnesheconombank to today carry out the transfer of 32,246 million dollars within the framework of the refunding of the debt of the ex-URSS to the Club of the countries crediteurs of Paris. RIA " Novosti " learned aupres from a source close to the government. According to the source, this payment is the remainder of the sum which was to be payee in February. Vnesheconombank, government official for the payment of the debt exterieure, will send this money to the countries crediteurs today or next Monday. In March, Russia will pay with the club according to the original calendar approximately 42 million dollars within the framework of the refunding of the sovietic debt. The moitie retardee of the payment for January will be also versee in March with the Club of Paris. On the whole, Russia has pay in January 298 million dollars, let know the source.