CHI HAOTIAN: ANTI-MISSILE DEFENSE AMERICAINE WILL SAP CONFIDENCE BETWEEN THE COUNTRIES PEKIN, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Issaiev). The national system of anti-missile defense that the United States has the intention of deployer will sap reciproque confidence between the States and will have negative retombees on international peace. It is what the Chinese Minister for Defense, Chi Haotian, A declares has Pekin by receiving his Australian counterpart, Peter Wright, who pays an official visit in China. If the anti-missile program americain of defense were realise, then balance strategic would be broken, which would probably have as a corollary a new round of the arms race, A underlines Chi Haotian. Under these condition China could not approve the projects of Washington, A indicates the Chinese minister. During their talks, Chi Haotian and Peter Wright are also lean on questions related with the development of the contacts between the Chinese and Australian forces armees, underlining the necessite of their conferer a " stable and healthy character ". The two men also have examines the situation in the Asia-Pacific Area as well as the taiwanaise question. Chi Haotian A declares that China prononcait itself for the reunification of China and Taiwan on the basis of principle " a country, two systems ". In same time, has additions the Chinese Minister for Defense, China is firmly decidee has not to accept the "independance of Taiwan " and has to cross short has all " separatist activity " of the island.