VLADIMIR POUTINE A VISITS UNIT COMMEMORATIF HO CHI MINH HANOI, March 2. (Approx. special RIA " Novosti " Marianna Chatikhina). Russian president Vladimir Poutine in official visit in Vietnam has visit the commemoratif unit Ho Chi Minh has Hanoi. He has depose crowns in front of the Ho mausolee Chi Minh and in front of the monument with the heroes peris which is not far from the mausolee. Then, Vladimir Poutine came to see the Temple of the literature considere like one of the principal cultural and historical monuments of the capital Vietnamese. According to the legende, it had ete melts into 1070 like a religious temple of Confucius. The Temple of the literature has ete restores into 2000, work of restoration being sponsorises by the company Russo-Vietnamese " Vietsovpetro ".