Fri Mar 2 07:47:08 2001 * INCREASE IN RUSSIA OF THE NUMBER OF CRIMES AND OFFENCES DREGS TO THE STUPEFIANTS MOSCOW, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). During five dernieres years the number of crimes and offences dregs with stupefiants A increases of more than twice the and half one in Russia. It is what has ete announces Thursday during a point of press gives by Oleg Kharitchkine, head of the Center of coordination interdepartementale of the fight against the traffic of stupefiants close the Russian ministry of the Interior. The year derniere, 57.720 cases of opiate sale have ete note in the country, that is to say 40 percent more than in 1999. Significant batches of stupefiants coming from the Centrasiatique area have ete seized. Two of them, respectively 113 and 60 kilogrammes of heroin, have ete intercept in the area of Tcheliabinsk (the Ural) and the area of Tioumen (Siberie Western), has it releve. 244.000 crimes or offences dregs with the traffic of drug have ete prevenus. Continuations have ete engagees against some 135.000 people. The bodies of maintenance about Russia maintain the contacts in this field with 70 structures of foreign countries, A indicates Oleg Kharitchkine. The attention is accordee in priority has the co-operation within the framework of the Community of the States independants (CEI) and the Memorandum on comprehension and collaboration in the field of the repression of the illicit traffic of the stupefiants in Central Asia.