THE TURKMENISTAN AND IRAN DISCUSS RELATIONS BILATERALES ACHKHABAD, March 1st. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Viktor Panov). The president turkmene, Saparmourat Niyazov, and the Iranian Minister for the Businesses etrangeres, Kamal Kharrazi, visits some has Achkhabad, have discusses Thursday of a broad range of questions related with the relations bilaterales. They have examines the problems which will be evoke by the presidents turkmene Saparmourat Niyazov and Iranian, Sayed Mohammad Khatami, during the next visit has Achkhabad of the Iranian leader. It is above all the prospects for the co-operation in the sector petrogazier and the possible signature of an agreement of natural gas exports turkmene in Iran into 2001 and in the close future. It is not excluded that the presidents tackle the questions of installation of a oleoduc connecting Kazakhstan has Iran via Turkmenistan and of participation of the Iranian companies has the construction of a gas liquefie terminal to the port of Turkmenbachi (ex-Krasnovodsk), on the Caspian Sea. Saparmourat Niyazov and Kamal Kharrazi emphasized the importance of the meeting of the heads of the five bordering countries of Caspian who will reuniront next April for definit the international legal statute of the Caspian Sea.