A MONUMENT WITH THE PARACHUTISTS DIED IN OPEN TCHETCHENIE A PSKOV PSKOV, March 1. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Alexandre Konovalov /. the opening ceremony of a monument to the parachutists of the 6th company of division aeroportee of Pskov is deroulee in this historical city of the Russian North-West. 84 parachutists had died one year ago in a combat close to Oulous-Kert. Their death A causes a shock in Russia, the opinion has request then to turn face has the armee, requires to better supply the armee in Tchetchenie, A declares the commander of the troops aeroportees Gueorgui Chpak. " the assistance whom has us apportee in this difficult moment the commander of the armees, Vladimir Poutine, has ete particularly precieuse ", has it says. The office for the dead has ete celebre has Cathedrale of Trinite. Commemoratives plates bearing 84 names have ete inaugurees in the church Saint-Alexandre Nevski. According to the commander of the troops aeroprtees, the parachutists achievement currently of the search and reconnaissance missions, including within the aiming framework of the operations has arreter the heads of the trainings of gangsters. Only the presence of the parachutists in Tchetchenie allows the administrations of district and to guvernement of the republic to work with more insurance, A still indicates the commander of the troops aeroportees.