PRESIDENT UKRAINIEN APPROVES THE DEMOLITION OF THE ISCED OF TENTS A KIEV KIEV, March 1. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Viktor Demidenko /. the president ukrainien Leonid Koutchma has reagi positively has the demolition of quotes of tents in full center of Kiev, company Thursday by the police force. Discussing with the journalists, Leonid Koutchma A stresses that there was nothing illegal in the actions of the forces poilicieres. " It is although has Kiev there is the capacity and that this capacity sticks to the legal standards ukrainiennes ", has it indicates. Some deputes, which must the first respect the law, the violent one and pushes other A to violate them ", A however regrets the head of the State. Quotes of tents of the participants has the action of protest " a Ukraine years Koutchma " has ete demolie Thursday morning. 44 demonstrators have ete arretes owing to the fact that they would have opposes resistance has the font, according to it-same. The arretes have ete escorts towards the police stations of district and no wounds is not has to announce among them. As A declares has RIA " Novosti " one of the demonstrators, the depute Iouri Karmazine, this operation musclee mark of any obviousness the departure in the realization of a scenario of force works out by the autorites for regler the political crisis ukrainienne.