ORBITING STATION " MIR " WILL BE DETRUITE ABOUT MARCH 10 KOROLEV / Area of Moscow /, March 1. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Edouard Pouzyrev /. the Russian orbiting station " Mir " will be noyee in the Pacific about March 10, has one indicates Thursday has RIA " Novosti " in the Center of control of the space missions (TSOUP), while being referant has calculations preliminaires. To proceed has the operation of destruction of the station in the ocean, one needs that it drops by orbit has 250 km, still has one indicates to the TSOUP. Currently, " Mir " flies has an altitude of 267 km. According to the TSOUP, the control of the systems of edge of the station east mene 24 hours a day. The computer of central edge works at a normal rate prevu, by maintaining the temperature in its compartments has 22-24C. The modules of " Mir " did not lose anything of their sealing. Friday, the station, whose weight is 130 tons, will carry out its 86 000e revolution around the Earth. It is the absolute record of an artificial work turning in circumterrestrial Space, has one indicates to the TSOUP. " Mir " is in orbit during 15 years and 10 days.