LEONID NEVZLINE, PRESIDENT BY JEWISH INTERIM OF CONGERS OF RUSSIA (CJR) MOSCOW, March 1. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. the appointment of Leonid Nevzline president by interim of the Congers Jew of Russia will contribute has to develop in a more dynamic way this organization, has regard in an interview has RIA " Novosti " the chief rabbi of Russia, Berl Lazar. Leonid Nevzline is well-known for a long time by his caritative activity. In addition, it has the reputation of a good manager, said Berl Lazar which espere that Nevzline will be able to put forward well its capacites and its positive qualities in its new function. Nevzline will make the interim to the next gathering of the CJR. This date does not have ete evoquee holds the meeting of the office of the CJR reuni Thursday, said Berl Lazar. Nevzline, which is the vice-chairman of the board of the company petroliere " Youkos ", has ete names has the unanimite, Thursday, holds the meeting of the office of the CJR, president by interim of this organization. The election of a temporary president became necessary owing to the fact that Vladimir Goussinski has advertisement Thursday his demission of his post of president of the CJR. In an interview has the radio " Echo of Moscow ", Goussinski A declares that it had made this decision because it cannot come to Russia, therefore to direct the CJR normally. Vladimir Goussinski is currently in Spain or it east assigns has residence and awaits the decision on its extradition towards Russia.