IT SE MAY BE THAT PAVEL BORODINE IS LIBERE IN BOND MOSCOW, March 1. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Maria Lokotetskaia /. the audience on a possible extradition of Pavel Borodine, secretary executif of the Russia-Belorus Union, is prevue for next 2 April has the Court of Brooklyn has New York. The lawyers of Borodine have in particular declares capacity to subject has the Court, from here next 6 March, all the necessary documents for that. Thus, the defenseurs of Borodine had address their requetes with the Cabinet of the Ministers for the Federation of Russia and with the Council of State superior of the Russia-Belorus Union, in their asking for official data on the functions and the statute precis of their customer. Who more is, they now and already received the reponses, signees by the Prime Minister for the Federation of Russia, Mikhail Kassianov, and the President of Bielorussie, Alexandre Loukachenko. With the opinion of the lawyers, these reponses can be used well as weighty argument so that the Court recognizes, has extraordinary title of circumstance, the necessite of the participation of this high-ranking civil servant has the direction of the businesses of the State that it represente. The amount of the guarantee can vary from 200 000 A 250 000 dollars. The date of the legal audience on a possible release in bond of Pavel Borodine is not yet fixee, but the lawyers esperent although it is already today, it be-A-statement on March 1, that will be made.