THE MINISTRY FOR BUSINESSES ETRANGERES OF THE FEDERATION OF RUSSIA ABOUT THE EXPANSION OF THE ALBANIAN EXTREMISME SINCE THE KOSOVO MOSCOW, March 1. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Elena Glouchakova /. Russia estimates that the Albanian extremism extends since Kosovo has other areas of Serbia and from now on same to the territory of Macedoine, and this, on a scenario extremement alarming. One reads in particular in communicates ministry for the Businesses etrangeres of the Federation of Russia, document, of which the text arrived, Thursday, has the Agency of information of Russia (RIA) " Novosti ", which Moscow considers it necessary to engage all the means and before all those of the Security Council of the United Nations for empecher such a dangerous evolution of the situation which risks destabiliser the whole of Balkans. The Security Council of the United Nations very attentively follows the situation which degrade more and more on the troncon kosovar of the border between Macedoine and Yugoslavia, reads one in communicates Russian diplomacy, and in the days which come, the Secretariat of the United Nations will inform the Council of the developpements in this part of the world. For its part, the Secretary-general of UNO said himself, him also, extremely preoccupe face has violences in the areas of Macedoine has the border with the RFY, violences which had there already causes the exodus of civil populations, notes communicates it ministry for the Businesses etrangeres of the Federation of Russia.