THE LIMITS OF THE ZONE OF SECURITY IN THE CUS OF SERBIA HAVE ETE EXAMINEES WITH THE NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN SERB, ALBANIAN AND NATO BELGRADE, March 1. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Alexandre Slabynko /. the limits of the zone of security in the South of Serbia have ete examinees, Thursday, with the negotiations between the representants of the Serb autorites, those of the Albanian community in the South of Serbia and a delegation of NATO. After these negotiations, the delegation of the Alliance of the North Atlantic with A her tete the special envoye of the Secretary-general of NATO, Peter Fate, left to meet with the representants Albanian separatist group which names itself " Armee of release of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja ". Representant Albanian Riza Halimi has espere, for its part, that the Serb ones would end up accepting the participation of the "Armee of release of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja " has the negotiations continuation. It as has supposes as say them negotiations continue in two days.