PRESIDENT BIELORUSSE SUPPORTS NEW PARLIAMENT MOLDAVE MINSK, March 1. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Olessia Loutchaninova). President de Bielorussie Alexandre Loukachenko A expresses Thursday his support for the new Parliament of Moldavie, while declarant that " the elections of the Parliament moldave were excellent ". Speaking about the victory remportee by the Communists with the elections, it A underlines: " the forces which formerly overcame in Bielorussie gain the victory in Moldavie. They are normal people who decide for the policy of bringing together with Bielorussie and Russia ", A declares Alexandre Loukachenko. It does not exclude adhesion from Moldavie has the Russia-Bielorussie Union. " When they (deputes of the Parliament moldave - note) will be reuniront and let know their desire to join the Russia-Bielorussie Union, I will support them of any heart ". Opinion of Loukachenko, the leaders ukrainiens could also consider adhesion has this Union, estimates Loukachenko. The president ukrainien Leonid Koutchma " who did not reconnait the Russia-Bielorussie Union could take some steps in this direction ", estimates Alexandre Loukachenko.