21 TONS OF STUPEFIANTS HAVE ETE SEIZED WITH THE TADJIKISTAN IN TEN YEARS DOUCHANBE, March 1. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Najmidine Azizov). The traffic of drug changes of a criminal phenomenon into serieuse threat has the national security of Tadjikistan, A declares Thursday the president tadjik Emomali Rakhmonov holds a meeting of the Security Council of the republic. The agency for the control of drug close the president tadjik has advertisement this Thursday, the world Day of fight against drug-addiction, that in ten years, the legal bodies of the republic had seized 21 tons of stupefiants. The situation worsens each year. In 2000, the legal bodies, the coercive structures and the group of the Russian guard-borders in Tadjikistan seized nearly 7.150 kilogrammes of drug against 2.500 kilogrammes in 1999. It is not excluded that the international community takes sanctions has the opposition to Tadjikistan if the flow of the stupefiants continues croitre there, underline the mass media tadjiks.