RUSSIA IS PREOCCUPEE VIS-A-VIS WITH THE DECREE OF THE TALIBAN ON THE DESTRUCTION OF THE AFGHAN CULTURAL MONUMENTS MOSCOW, March 1st. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Smotrov). The Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres is seriously preoccupe vis-a-vis with the decree signs by the leader of the movement of the taliban mollah Mohammed Omar on the destruction of the cultural and religious monuments nonMoslem on the Afghan territory. One can considerer such intentions only like one attack with the cultural and historical inheritance of the Afghan people, but also of world civilization. The vandalism of the taliban has the regard of the rich person spiritual inheritance of the Afghan history seculaire temoigne of their animosite not deguisee with respect to the human values and proves that the ideologic design of the heads of the taliban is etrangere has the humane philosophy of the religion respectee of Islam, according to the Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres.