THE DEEPENING OF THE CO-OPERATION WITH RUSSIA IS A PRIORITY OF POLICY EXTERIEURE OF MONGOLIA ULAN-CBator, March 1. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Altman). The development and the deepening of the co-operation with Russia were always a priority of the policy exterieure of Mongolia, A declares has RIA " Novosti " Nambaryn Enkhbayar, Prime Minister of Mongolia. According to him, during dernieres 80 years, of good conditions have ete creees to continue has to maintain the mutually advantageous contacts not only on the level the States, but also between the people of the two countries which were always linked by close links of good vicinity and fraternity. The official visit effectuee in Mongolia in last autumn by president Vladimir Poutine A stimulates the continuation of the dialogue between our countries, it has confere an impulse has the resumption of the traditional relationship between Mongolia and Russia.