THE RESERVES OF EXCHANGE OF THE BANK OF RUSSIA SHOW A GROWTH MOSCOW, March 1. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Went ISSAIEVA /. the Bank of Russia A increases during 2000 its reserves of currencies of 16 billion dollars. At January 1 2001, the volume of the reserves of exchange of the BCR rose has 28 billion dollars, quantifies record of every year of reform. These data are citees in the file prepare by the Department of governmental information for the meeting during which the government will have to come to a conclusion about the assessment of the socio-economic development of the country into 2000 and to examine the spots which are posed in the field of the economic policy for the current year. The principal spot of the Bank of Russia for 2001 remainder always the attenuation of the fluctuations of the rates of exchange in Russia and the maintenance the reserves of exchange has a necessary level.