TODAY, THE RETIREMENT MINIMUM A INCREASES IN RUSSIA MOSCOW, March 1. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Maria PERESLEGUINA /. From March 1, the retirement minimum in Russia east of 600 roubles (1 USD = 28,62 roubles). This increase will not be the derniere this year, has advertisement the head of the Funds of the retirements of Russia, Mikhail Zourabov. Following increases will be effectuees on May 1 and then in aoOet and November. " the Funds of the retirements lays out of resources sufficient for operer the increases prevues ", A underlines Mikhail Zourabov. " All this money - it acts of more than 70 billion roubles - is depose has accounts in the central Bank ", has it adds. Today, in Russia, 38 million citizens touch a pension of State, of which 15 million beneficient of the maximum pension and 7 million the pension minimum which, from today is of 600 roubles. The others 16 million retirements touch between 600 and 1300 roubles.