RUSSIA AND VIETNAM COOPERERONT IN THE FIELD OF THE SECURITY HANOI, March 1st. (Envoyee special of RIA " Novosti " Marianna Chatikhina). Russia and Vietnam are decides has cooperer on the levels bi- and multilateral in the fight against the international terrorism, the separatism, the religious extremism and the transnational criminalite, which constitute a serious danger to the security of the Sovereign states, peace and stability. It is what is known as in the Declaration on the partnership strategic between Russia and Vietnam, which has ete signee this Thursday has Hanoi by the presidents of the two countries, Vladimir Poutine and Tran Duc Luong. In this document, Moscow and Hanoi also stress the necessite of regler as fast as possible the problems of the international security out of matter of information, as that east mentions in resolution 55/28 of the General meeting of the United Nations, adopted on November 20 2000.