IN 2000, TRADE BETWEEN THE VIETNAM AND RUSSIA SE ARE ASSEMBLE A 420 MILLION DOLLARS MOSCOW, March 1st. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Nadejda Anissimova "). In year 2000, trade between Russia and Vietnam are go up has 420 million dollars americains. It is what has ete announces has RIA " Novosti " with the service of press of the Russian ministry of the economic Development and the Trade. The year derniere, exports of Russia towards Vietnam are chiffrees has 270 million dollars while its imports coming from this country are montees has 150 million dollars. Like the years precedentes, in year 2000 Russia has book in Vietnam of the energy equipment and petroliers, the hardware aeronautic, the trucks, the parts detachees and other articles of mecanic constructions. Metaux ferrous ores, articles into metaux ferruginous, manures and products petroliers also have figure among the Russian goods exportees towards Vietnam. The Russian investments in Vietnam are assembled officially has a billion and half of dollars. The statutory capital of the mixed company Russo-Vietnamese " Vietsovpetro " specialisee in the extraction of oil, does not appear in this figure. Russian part A injects into this company a similar sum. It also has ete indicates to the service of press that Russia is the huitieme larger foreign investor in Vietnam, that some 600 companies with Vietnamese participation and more than 100 representations of companies Vietnameses without right to carry on a commercial activity functioned in Russian territory. According to experts' of the ministry, the visit of Russian president Vladimir Poutine in Vietnam will contribute has the deepening of the trade and economic of Russia with this country, as well as has the extension of the co-operation has the scale of the Asia-Pacific area. For the Russian companies, Vietnam presente an unquestionable interest since it constitutes one of largest the Asian steps of flow of energy equipment and petroliers as well as hardware aeronautic, relevent the experts.