VLADIMIR POUTINE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CO-OPERATION BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE VIETNAM IN A NEW CONTEXT HANOI, March 1. (Approx. special RIA " Novosti " Marianna Chatikhina). It would be unforgivable of gacher the good reports/ratios which existed between the Sovietique Union and Vietnam, A declares president Russian Vladimir Poutine has his press conference has Hanoi. It A stresses that a vast co-operation between our countries has the time of the Sovietique Union did not have ete dictee by ideologic considerations. This co-operation was carried out in the long-term interest of the two countries, has it adds. The head of Russian State A declares that it was essential to maintain and develop the mutually advantageous co-operation in a new context in which evolved/moved Russia and Vietnam, and also by taking account of the new international reality.