VLADIMIR POUTINE A ADDRESSES A MESSAGE OF CONGRATULATION TO THE WORKERS OF " VIETSOVPETRO " MOSCOW, March 1. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Russian president Vladimir Poutine has address a message of congratulation to the workers of the joint company " Vietsovpetro " has the occasion of the 20th anniversary of his creation. The text of the message called in substance: " the operation of " Vietsovpetro " provides an example of an effective and mutually advantageous co-operation between Russia and Vietnam in an economic field of most significant. The significant one is that this partnership not only brings considerable financial dividends, but also contributes to the reinforcement of mutual comprehension and confidence between our people ". " Nowadays, the effectiveness of your depend activities has many regards of your competitiveness and your knowledge of the economic situation on the functioning world ". The Russian president is certain that " the administrators, the engineers and the workmen of the company will always obtain good results in the production, will work effectively in the interest of the two countries in XXIe century ".