RUSSIA, THE VIETNAM AND THE SECURITY IN AREA ASIE-PACIFIQUE HANOI, March 1st. (Envoyee special of RIA " Novosti " Marianna Chatikhina). Russia and Vietnam conferent an exceptional importance with the related questions has the security and with the reinforcement of confidence in the area the Asia-Pacific (RAP). It is what is known as in the Declaration on the partnership strategic between Russia and Vietnam, which has ete signee this Thursday has Hanoi by the presidents of the two countries, Vladimir Poutine and Tran Duc Luong. Like it is releve in the document, the parts leave owing to the fact that the deployment in the RAP of a system of anti-missile defense of success of firm blocks could have a negative impact on stability and the security regionales and cause a new arms race. **time-out** the Russia and the Vietnam stress the importance of consultation between the Association of nation of South-East Asia asiatique (ASEAN) and the five power nuclear and support their continuation by the biaix some channel existing in order to arrive have the signature fast by these country of Protocol with Draft on the zone free of weapon nuclear in Asia of South-east, which contribute have the formation of a zone denuclearisee in the RAP, with reinforcement of mode of Draft on the nonproliferation of weapon nuclear, which have ete sign have Geneva the 1st July 1968, and have the progression towards a world denuclearise. The parts, is it indicates in the Declaration, apprecient the role highly plays by the regionaux forums economic Cooperation the Asia-Pacific, ASEAN, regional Forum of the ASEAN and Forum of Changhai in the creation of a climate favorable for a co-operation multilaterale and reciproquement advantageous in the RAP. Taking into account the statute eurasiatic of the Federation of Russia, Vietnam supports the aspiration of Russia has to take share has the activity of the Forum " Europe-Asia " (ASEM) and will contribute has its adhesion has the ASEM.