ON THE CONTENTS OF THE DECLARATION ON PARTNERSHIP STRATEGIQUE ENTERS RUSSIA AND THE VIETNAM HANOI, March 1. (Approx. special Marianna Chatikhina). **time-out** the Russia and the Vietnam be unanimous have note that the result positive of premiere visit with Vietnam of president of Federation of Russia be of a importance particuliere for the development follow by relation Russo-Vietnamese with XXIe century, that that be in conformity with interest of people of two country, of peace, of stability, of co-operation and of development in this area and in the world whole, read one in the text of Declaration on the partnership strategique between the Russia and the Vietnam signee today have Hanoi by the presidents of two country, Vladimir Poutine and Tran Duke Luong. Russia and Vietnam, underline the text of the document, confirm their will to strengthen and develop the traditional friendship and the multiform co-operation in XXIe century, in the spirit of the partnership strategic which was established between the two countries. The two countries will maintain their regular contacts has various levels of which those at the top to proceed has the exchange of opinions on the significant problems of the bilateraux reports/ratios and on the international situation. Russia and Vietnam estimate that one of the major spots in the field of the relations bilaterales consists has to develop the trade co-operation, economic, scientific, technical and of investment, while benefitting from their potentialites and their experiment as regards co-operation acquired during years precedentes. Moscow and Hanoi estimate that the results obtained during a long co-operation between the two countries in the field of oil and gas make it possible to develop with the follow-up their mutually advantageous economic relations. The great effectiveness of the joint company of prospection and production of oil and gas on the continental shelf of the South of Vietnam " Vietsovpetro " constitutes a base making it possible to extend the co-operation in this field, by the extension of the zone of activity of this company, by the development of new hydrocarbon layers in Vietnam. The governments of the two countries will give a priority has the realization of new projects in this field, initially of the project of construction and of introduction immediate of the premiere oil refinery Vietnamese has Dongquat. The two countries are decides has to also contribute to the development of the co-operation in fields like the production of electricity, the industries oil, of gas and chemical, mecanic constructions, the metallurgie, electronics, agriculture, the telecommunication, science, the technique, the culture, education, the formation of specialists and in other promising fields.