RUSSIA AND VIETNAM PRECONISENT A WORLD COMMAND MELTS ON JUSTICE AND THE EQUALITY HANOI, March 1st. (Envoyee special of RIA " Novosti " Marianna Chatikhina). Russia and Vietnam intervene in the international arene in favour of the strengthening of the positive tendencies observees in the world development, for the formation of a world command melts on justice and the equality between the States. It is what is known as in the Declaration on the partnership strategic between between Russia and Vietnam, which has ete signee Thursday has Hanoi by the presidents of the two countries, Vladimir Poutine and Tran Duc Luong. Like it is releve in the document, the parts decide resolument against all the forms of pressure has the regard of the Sovereign states and of interference in their businesses etrangeres, they condemn the attempts to introduce in practice international the design of the humane "intervention " and the " souverainete limitee " " to justify actions armees unilaterales or collective, coarsely violating the fundamental principles of the Charter of UNO and the international law ".