SEVERAL DOCUMENTS RUSSO-VIETNAMIENS HAVE ETE SIGNS A HANOI HANOI, March 1st. (Envoyee special of RIA " Novosti " Marianna Chatikhina). Two intergovernmental agreements have ete signs this Thursday has Hanoi in Russian presence of the presidents, Vladimir Poutine, and Vietnamese, Tran Duc Luong. It is about a protocol has the Agreement between the governments of the USSR and the socialist Republic of Vietnam of 1991 on the continuation of the co-operation in the field of the geologic prospection and the extraction of oil and gas on the continental shelf of the south of Vietnam within the framework of the mixed company Russo-Vietnamese " Vietsovpetro ". The second document is a protocol on the inventoriage contractual and legal base and the effect of the bipartite agreements in the relations between the Federation of Russia and the socialist Republic of Vietnam. In addition, the presidents of the two countries also have assists has the signature of an agreement on the co-operation between Vnechtorgbank of Russia and the commercial Bank of Vietnam and of a memorandum on reciproque comprehension between these two establishments, as well as memorandum on comprehension between the Russian ministry of the emergency Situations and the Vietnamese Committee for search and the rescue. The parts also have sign two agreements between Gostandart of Russia and the Vietnamese ministry of Science on the co-operation in the field of the standardization, the metrology and the homologations.