TALKS RUSSO-VIETNAMIENS IN WIDENED COMMITTEE TOOK PLACE A HANOI HANOI, 1st Mars. (Envoyee special of RIA " Novosti " Marianna Chatikhina). Negotiations Russo-Vietnameses in widened committee were held with the Palate presidentiel has Hanoi. They have starts after the talks that the presidents of the two countries had in restricted committee. The Russian president, Vladimir Poutine, A thank the Vietnamese president, Tran Duc Luong, for the cordial greeting which had ete reserve to him, and indicate that Russia and Vietnam were " dregs by one half-century of reports/ratios ". After point outhaving pointed out that Russia always had percu the Vietnameses like a sister country, the Russian president put forward the high level reached by the interetatic relations bilaterales. Of his dimension, the Vietnamese president has releve that the head of the Russian State was accomodated has Hanoi like a " messenger of the friendship ". Having stresses that the visit of the Russian president " inaugurates a new stage of closer co-operation ", it A declares that all the questions concerned with the economic co-operation as well as the international problems preoccupant the two countries could be approach during negotiations. The Russian part is representee with the negotiations by Viktor Khristenko, Deputy Prime Minister and copresident of the intergovernmental commission Russo-Vietnamese, by Igor Ivanov, Foreign Minister, by Guennadi Voronine, president of Gosstandard, by Mikhail Dmitriev, president of the commission on the co-operation technico-soldier, by Andrei Belianinov, general manager of " Rosoboronexport ", by Nikolai Tokariev, general manager of " Zaroubejneft ", like by several governors and members of the Parliament.