PLAN FOR BUDGET ACCUMULATION FULFILLED IN JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2001 IN FULL MOSCOW, March 14, 2001. /RIA Novosti correspondent Maria Balynina/. Over January-February 2001 the Russian government fulfilled the plan for the budget-2001 accumulation in full, Alexei Kudrin, vice-premier and finance minister of Russia, stated speaking in the Federation Council, upper house of the Russian parliament. According to him, in January-February 2001 the federal budget obtained 199 billion rubles ($1 being about 28 rubles). This became possible owing to a positive trend in revenue increasing through the income tax. "We are glad to note this positive trend," the vice-premier said. Mr Kudrin also reported that over the first two months of this year the government made expenditures for a total amount of 214 billion rubles using primarily the budget revenue balances left from 2000. "Thus, I believe that the government will be able not only sustainedly execute the budget this year, but also service foreign debts according to the schedule," Mr Kudrin concluded.